What do trees drink?
Root beer What is brown and sticky? A stick What did the hat say to the scarf? You hang around here, I'll go on a head. Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they love their honeycomb. What do you call a fly without wings? A walk What did the tree say to the flower? I'm rooting for you. Why was deer, chipmunk and squirrel laughing so hard? Because owl was a hoot! Knock, knock Who's there? Butter Butter who? Butter not tell you, it's a secret Comments are closed.
AuthorWild Roots staff authors include Erin Boehme, Lia Grippo, CJ Cintas, Anne McCarthy, Tyler Starbard, Jenn Sepulveda, Heather Young, Amalia Smith Hale, Natalia Pareja... Archives
May 2020